CARLO by, released 05 January 2018 1. Carlo's Crush 2. Ride 3. Redemption 4. Pale Moon Drifter 5. Meathead 6. Los Zapatos 7. Commanche Drive 8. Surficide 9. Corolla 10. John Steele 11. Farmers Market 12. Florida Keys 13. The Return Special thanks to the Ontario Arts Council

CASSE-CROUTE by CARLO, released 30 November 2015 1. Carlo 2. Rattlesnake 3. Man Down 4. Loose Cannon 5. Shanghai Five 6. Midnight Cowboy (denouement) Casse-Croute was recorded at the Mansion House in Aylmer, Quebec. Engineering/Mixing/Mastering by Scott "Cooter" McCannell for Magnaphonic Records.

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